Guía básica para instalaciones
How to use public address to increase participation in a worship centre
Public address for worship centres is a tool that enhances the experience of worshippers and increases their participation.
5 common mistakes made when choosing a public address system for a mosque
Choosing the right mosque PA system is an important decision that requires careful planning.
How to use public address to improve church acoustics
Public address systems for worship centres are an effective tool for improving the acoustics in churches, enhancing the religious experience.
Choosing the right public address system for a worship centre
Choosing the right public address system for a worship centre is an important decision that must be made carefully.
The importance of public address systems in churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious centres
Public address is an essential tool for effective communication in churches, mosques, synagogues and other religious centres.
Advantages of having a nurse-patient system in nursing homes
The implementation of a nurse call system in nursing homes offers advantages that improve their service.
Basic guide for public address installations: system types: low impedance and 100 V line
Public address installations can be low impedance, where loudspeaker associations can be found, or 100 V line installations.
Basic guide for public address installations: elements of a sound system
The components of a public address system are a signal source, an amplifier and various loudspeakers.
Why choose the ASSIST patient-nurse call system?
Fonestar's ASSIST patient-nurse call system is a comprehensive solution to optimise communication in healthcare facilities.
Basic guide for public address installations: general rules and design criteria
Public address systems must meet criteria for noise level, signal-to-noise ratio, and have a uniform frequency response.
Basic guide for public address installations: practical installation rules
A number of rules must be followed to properly install ceiling, baffle, sphere, column, projector and exponential loudspeakers.
Successful implementation of patient-nurse system in hospitals and nursing homes
The implementation of an appropriate patient-nurse call system brings tangible benefits to hospitals and nursing homes.
How to improve care communication with a nurse patient system
Patient-nurse call systems improve communication, efficiency and safety in healthcare facilities.
The technology behind patient-nurse call systems
Patient-nurse call systems are an essential tool for improving communication in healthcare environments.
Advantages of implementing a patient-nurse system in hospitals
The implementation of a patient-nurse call system is a significant step towards the transformation of modern healthcare.
How does a patient-nurse call system work?
A patient-nurse call system plays a crucial role in the delivery of quality health care.
Sound marketing: the importance of sound in physical retail spaces
Sound marketing and PA to sell are powerful tools that can transform the shopping experience in your shop.
Opening and closing times in retailing via public address system
Public address opening and closing times are an essential tool for optimising communication in the retail environment.
Music thread for fashion shops. Enhancing the shopping experience
Public address in fashion shops is a strategy that enhances the shopping experience in these establishments.
Dealer sound systems: 10 keys to improving sales
The customer experience in dealerships, supported by efficient sound systems, can be the key to their success.
Public address systems in shopping centres: basic strategies for any installation
Public address strategies in shopping centres influence purchasing decisions and enhance the customer experience.
Announcements that make an impact. How public address captures attention in the retail sector
In a world saturated with advertising messages, retail public address stands out as an invaluable strategy.
Public address system in supermarkets: announcements of offers in real time
Public address in supermarkets offers a dynamic and effective solution to highlight offers in real time and enhance the shopping experience.
Public address solutions for commercial premises with low ceilings
Public address solutions offer a powerful tool to overcome communication challenges in low-rise venues.
In-store PA system: boosting offers
In-store PA is an essential tool to highlight and promote offers and deliver great results.
Soluciones de megafonía
Toda la información sobre productos y soluciones de megafonía, sonido y microfonía.
General, product, sectorial or special catalogues. Essential documentation for any professional in the audio sector.
General, product, sectorial or special catalogues. Essential documentation for any professional in the audio sector.
New video: SONORA series loudspeakers
Want to unlock the secrets behind the success of our award-winning SONORA speaker series? You're in the right place! In our latest video, we take you behind the scenes to explore every aspect of these extraordinary speakers in detail.
New video: Ordering process
We want to share with you our new video, which will take you through the fascinating journey that your order follows from the moment we receive it until it arrives on your doorstep.
NEW: MALIBU, power and versatility in pro audio
Our new version of the MALIBU active loudspeakers represent a significant breakthrough for sound system installers and audio professionals, offering an exceptional combination of sound quality, versatile connectivity and advanced functionality.
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Contact our communications department.
Irene Alonso
Head of Marketing and Communication