Transport stations
Maximum control for a changing space.
- I would like the messages in the platforms, hall and transit areas to be clearly and distinctly understood.
- We need to integrate with the Passenger Information System (PIS) the playback of the messages in the different platforms according to the arrival of the means of transport.
- We want an automatic adjustment of the volume depending on the ambient noise at each moment. We would like to avoid having an inadequate volume of noise in order to improve the environment for workers and passengers.
How do our sound systems work?
Control of message playback through multiple speaker zones.
A voice alarm system in compliance with EN 54 is mandatory in transport stations in many countries, as these are public places.
J. Michel Hernández
Sales Director France
Casos de éxito
Las Américas Airport
Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
Transmilenio transport
Bogotá (Colombia)
Carriel Sur International Airport
Talcahuano (Chile)
Salamanca Bus Station
Salamanca (Spain)
Transaher Logistic Center
Valencia (Spain)
Kukesi Airport
Kukës (Albania)
Guaguas Buenavista Del Norte Bus Station
Tenerife (Spain)
Parking Expo Zaragoza
Zaragoza (Spain)