By Ángela Puente – Quality and Production Manager

Our approach is eco-design. We are members of Ecoembes, Ecopilas and Ecoasimelec and we continuously apply reuse, recycling and environmental impact reduction measures. We would like to share with you some of the actions we carry out throughout the year, as we are aware that it is not only our house but everyone’s house and recycling helps us to reduce our environmental footprint.

  1. We reuse rainwater for cooling the molding and thermoforming machines.
  2. We replace all traditional lighting with LEDs and the fleet of combustion vehicles with hybrids.
  3. We collect for recycling the batteries and cells from the different processes of the company and private use.
  4. We modify processes to reduce the use of paper and reuse cardboard packaging in the logistics department.
  5. We reduce the inks used in our designs based on an environmentally friendly style guide.
  6. And we replace protective plastics with cardboard/paper solutions.

We are working on “the FONESTAR” of the coming years. More efficient. More respectful of its environment. Better.