Your opinion matters. Help us improve.

Possibly there is a different universe to this one, but practically the same, in which Fonestar does not send you this newsletter every month. If we are here right now, it is thanks to your feedback. To a way of doing things together. Understanding that success is achieved as a team. And by being generous.

By now you know that this edition is a little different. Actually, very different. Just a year ago we launched our current web version, after months of intense work.

However, you also know that we don’t like to be comfortable for too long.

The most interesting part of what interests you most.

Continuous improvement is part of our DNA. We want to improve and grow with all your suggestions, opinions and proposals. As Cholo Simeone says, “The effort is non-negotiable”. 

We want you to help us improve our website. To implement everything you need. To keep growing to improve ourselves.

Can you help us?
We promise it will only take you 1 minute…

Academy #34 — Your opinion matters. Help us improve.

In this issue you will also find…

Fonestar novelties

  • Around the world
  • We invite you to ISE 2024

And much more…

  • Fonestar Academy issue #34 would like you to provide the soundtrack