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SEVEN: All-in-one IN 54 compact evacuation system
The SEVEN range offers a wide selection of all-in-one public address/surveillance systems suitable for small, medium and large sites. The compact units are EN 54-16 and EN 54-4 certified.
The different systems consist of two 160 W, 320 W or three 500 W Class D amplifiers, distributed over 4, 8 or 16 loudspeaker lines. The system also includes a backup amplifier. Each control unit is equipped with an integrated emergency power supply with battery charger. On the front panel there is a fireman’s microphone, a touch screen and programmable buttons.
The SEVEN range is designed to be Plug & Play and includes GPIO inputs and outputs, calendar and advanced features such as DSP. The system architecture is based on fibre optic IP connectivity, which allows the connection of microphones (fire or zone, with or without extension) as well as other control units to expand the system.

SEVEN: Characteristics
Suitable for small, medium and large installations
Evacuation, search message and background music
Error detection and monitoring
DSP functions, high audio quality
Monitoring of loudspeaker lines
Versions adapted in power and number of zones
Contact inputs and buttons
LCD display for intuitive configuration
VoIP / SIP integration
PC software control
Compatible with:
Success stories
Congosto del Ventamillo tunnel
Goiko Grill
Duty Free Shops