“I am proud to be part of a company that is committed to young talent and offers many opportunities”

A conversation with the García family

The García family are an example of teamwork. Three generations remind us every day that the true value of a company lies in the people who make it up.

From Basilio, the “grandfather” who sowed the seeds of our legacy, to David, his son, who has continued with that passion and dedication, and now Hugo, his grandson, who has taken up the baton with the same fervour. Their commitment and dedication have left and will leave an indelible mark on Fonestar over several decades.

They have shown that true success is built on passion. A legacy that endures and flourishes over time.

The García family recommends…

  • One book: Dune. It’s almost a must for any science fiction lover, as this masterpiece not only defines the genre, but also explores deep themes such as politics, ecology and religion in a richly constructed universe.
  • A film: The Wolf of Wall Street. The film has generated widespread debate about morality in the financial world, making it not only entertaining, but also critical and relevant in today’s context.
  • A song / album / band: Oasis – Wonderwall. This ballad has become a Britpop anthem, resonating with millions of listeners worldwide.
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What has Fonestar meant and/or signifies in your family?

Basilio: Fonestar has been more than a company for my family. It has been part of our history, our growth and our traditions. Since I first walked through the factory doors so many years ago, I have seen the company grow and transform, but what has always remained constant is the family spirit.

David: Fonestar has been an important part of my life since I was a child. I have watched my father dedicate his entire life to this company, and he has instilled in me the values of hard work, honesty and responsibility. When I had the opportunity to join the company, I was very proud to follow in his footsteps.

Hugo: Fonestar has been an integral part of my family’s history. It has represented a legacy of hard work, innovation and commitment to excellence.

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What is it like to work with your father or son in a company?

Basilio: Working with my son was an opportunity to share my experience and knowledge, but also to learn from his new perspective and energy. I am proud to see how he has grown professionally and how he has contributed to the success of the company.

David: Working with my father at Fonestar was an unforgettable experience. I have learned a lot from him, both professionally and personally. He is a great mentor and a great father. Now, working with my son is also a very special experience. It is exciting to see how he is developing in the world of work and how he brings new ideas to the table.

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Do you remember any special or inspiring moments you have experienced together in the company?

David: For me, one of the most meaningful experiences has been coming to work with my father every day. That time we spend together on the commute is invaluable. It gives us the opportunity to talk about everything from work issues to personal matters.

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What makes you most proud to be part of Fonestar?

David: I am proud of Fonestar‘s entrepreneurial spirit and ability to adapt. Over the years, it has been able to reinvent itself and overcome challenges, always with the aim of offering the best products and services to its customers. I am also proud of the company’s commitment to its employees and its commitment to training and well-being.

Hugo: I am proud to be part of a company that is committed to young talent and that offers opportunities to grow and develop professionally.

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What advice would you give to the next generation of your family to join the company?

Basilio: Work hard, be honest and committed. They should learn from their colleagues and never stop looking for new opportunities to grow. And, above all, that they enjoy their work and feel proud of it.

David: They should be curious, not afraid to learn new things and always willing to give their best. They should work as part of a team and support each other.

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What values and knowledge do you think should be preserved?

David: The values of honesty, respect, innovation and commitment are fundamental to the success of any company. It is also important to preserve the knowledge accumulated over the years, and to pass it on to new generations.

Hugo: I think it is important to preserve the core values: responsibility, quality, and teamwork. These values are the basis of success for any person or company and will continue to be essential in the future.

“The values of honesty, respect, innovation and commitment are fundamental to the success of any company”

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Can you tell us an amusing anecdote related to your work?

David: Once, during an evening inventory, we were all quite tired but determined to finish our tasks. Suddenly, the lights in the warehouse started to flicker and went out for a few seconds, leaving us in the dark. One of my colleagues, who has always been a joker, took the opportunity to disappear between the shelves.

When the lights came back on, he started making strange noises and moving in a rather creepy, ghost-like manner.

The situation turned into a little impromptu “ghost hunt”.

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What are you passionate about when you are not working?

David: Fishing allows me to disconnect from daily stress, reflect and enjoy the natural environment. It is also an activity that I can share with friends and my son, which makes it even more special. For me, there is nothing like watching the sunrise over the Cantabrian Sea.