How can we help you?

Fonestar responds

By telephone

+34 646 811 944

By email

From 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (GMT+1)

If you need help after hours, leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

    Our offices

    You can also contact our local branches or, if you prefer, our international department.

    Polígono Trascueto
    39600 Revilla de Camargo
    Tel. +34 942 254 555


    Cantabria / Castilla y León /
    La Rioja / Navarra / Basque Country
    Polígono Trascueto
    39600 Revilla de Camargo
    Tel. +34 942 254 555

    Galicia / Asturias
    Avda. Montserrat, 4-18
    Urb. Los Arces, bloque I, local 3
    15009 La Coruña

    Madrid / Castilla la Mancha
    Avda. Machupichu, 73
    28043 Madrid

    Aragón / Baleares / Cataluña
    Plaza Tirant lo Blanc, 2
    08005 Barcelona

    Comunidad Valenciana /
    Canarias / Murcia
    Avda. de los Tamarindos, 45
    46015 Valencia

    Andalucía / Extremadura
    Avda. Alcalde L. Uruñuela, 6
    Edif. Congreso
    41020 Sevilla


    PCI - Parque Ciência e Inovação
    Via do Conhecimento, Edificio 3-Sala 3.0.2.
    3830-352 Ílhavo
    Tel. +351 966 290 733


    Tel. +33 488 620 925


    Tel. +34 646 811 944

    We are your PA
    technological partner

    We want to solve all your challenges and problems.

    We assist you in all phases of your project. From the choice of the public address solution to commissioning and support. In addition, if you need it, we will train you free of charge in the operation of IP/network technology.

    We offer you a comprehensive support service for your public address projects.