“‘Fonestar has been and is much more than just a company for my family”

A conversation with the Rodriguez family
Familia Rodríguez Fonestar

For Juan José, production operator, and his son, Juanjo, maintenance manager, Fonestar is more than a company; it is a family passion. They have worked together, sharing knowledge and special moments. They deeply emphasise Fonestar’s values, proud of its quality and professionalism.

Juanjo recommends…

  • A book: I love the book “The Diary of Anne Frank” because it offers an intimate and moving insight into life during the Holocaust through the eyes of a young girl, highlighting her resilience and hope in dark times.
  • A film: I am passionate about the film “Braveheart” for its epic narrative of the struggle for freedom, bravery and sacrifice, coupled with memorable acting and powerful historical scenes.
  • A song: The song “Flying Free” motivates me because of its energy and infectious rhythm, plus its message of freedom and joy, which always uplifts the mood and inspires to dream.

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What has Fonestar meant and/or signifies in your family?

Juanjo: Fonestar has been and is much more than just a company for my family. Since I was a child, I grew up in the unique atmosphere of Fonestar. I have seen my father dedicate his life to this company, putting all his effort and enthusiasm into it, and that has left a deep mark on me.

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What is it like to work with your father or son in a company?

Juanjo: Working with my father has been an enriching experience in every way. I have had the opportunity to learn from his experience, his wisdom and his passion for the world of PA and sound. In addition, we have shared unique moments, both inside and outside the company.

Juan José: For me, as a father, it has been an unforgettable experience to work side by side with my son at Fonestar. It has been a privilege to be able to pass on my knowledge and experience to him, and to see how he has grown and developed professionally within the company. It fills me with pride.

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Do you remember any special or inspiring moments you have experienced together in the company?

Juan José: I have experienced many special moments with my son at Fonestar. We have shared lunches, attended events together and had long conversations about work and life. Despite our generational differences, we share a common passion for a job well done.

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What makes you most proud to be part of Fonestar?

Juanjo: I am proud to be part of a company with such a rich history and promising future. I am proud of the quality of our products, the professionalism of our team and the satisfaction of our customers. But above all, I am proud to be part of a family that has been able to pass on its values and passion through the generations.

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What advice would you give to the next generation of your family to join the company?

Juanjo: I would tell my son to make the most of the opportunity to learn from the best. To be curious, to ask questions and not to be afraid to take on new challenges. But, above all, I would tell him to never lose his passion for this job and to remember that Fonestar is more than a company, it is a family.

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What values and knowledge do you think should be preserved?

Juanjo: I think it is essential to preserve the values that have made Fonestar what it is today: passion for work, professionalism, customer service and teamwork. It is also important to preserve the know-how that has been accumulated over the years, as it is the basis of our success.

“I am proud to be part of a family that has been able to pass on its values and passion through the generations”

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Can you tell us an amusing anecdote related to your work?

Juanjo: I remember one day when I was carrying out an urgent repair to the electrical system. It was quite a stressful situation, as the power outage affected the entire headquarters building. While we were fixing the problem, my colleague decided to turn on a torch and started making animal shadows on the wall. Soon, the whole team joined in, creating a little makeshift shadow theatre. After a few minutes of laughter, we went back to work with renewed energy and solved the problem quickly. That funny little pause reminded us of the importance of keeping a good mood, even in times of stress.

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What are you passionate about when you are not working?

Juanjo: In my spare time, my great passion is running with my dog. Running helps me to release stress, keep fit and connect with nature. It is an activity that fills me with energy and allows me to face the challenges of everyday life with a positive attitude. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

Juan José: Motorcycling is an important part of my life and has brought me a lot of joy. I feel fortunate to be able to enjoy this hobby and to share it with other people. It is a form of active meditation that helps me to clear my mind and recharge my energy.